Do You Have Any Idea What This Means? :)

Wow!!!!!!!!......just THINK about this for a minute........this will change the way you think about livin' life!

When Satan tempted Jesus in the desert what was it he offered Jesus?!?!?!?

He took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and all their splendor. And then Satan ....offered it all.... to SATAN!?!?!?? was "offering" JESUS!?!?!?!? authority over the kingdoms of the world!!?!?!?

The devil had to have known what was at stake.....though not an EASY road He was about to take....He knew what He had to do. He knew the Word of His Father...He knew the Truth.
He knew what lay ahead for Him beyond the immediate suffering and pain....He knew what was in store....for Him and for "the church"...(I'm pretty sure that somewhere back in the Old Testament we're told that Jesus was going to bruise the serpent's head?!....right? I think Jesus must have gotten the memo somewhere a long the way....that all things would be found UNDER his feet one day....and unless you missed PREPOSITION day in English class you know that in order for something to be UNDER..."something" else must also be OVER) It was all going to be His soon enough anyway!!!! fast forward .... To Jesus' death on the cross. ALL that He accomplished through that!!!

He got the keys to death, hell and the grave. He paid for our sins. He made us righteous. Through His death He made us worthy. Justified. Made right with God...finally..."FINAL"!!!

Sure enough.......when the work was finished on the cross.... the moment Jesus was resurrected...EVERYTHING CHANGED...............Did you catch that?!!??!?!

The MOMENT Jesus was resurrected....everything ....CHANGED.
That was the final word in the SPIRITUAL realm!!!!! It is FINISHED.

But then GET THIS!!!!................................HE...........GAVE..............THAT.............AUTHORITY.................TO.............THE CHURCH!

The same power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead dwells inside of YOU!

Look at Ephesians 1:20-23 (I'm going to use The Message...cause I LIKE it...=-) )

.....God raised him [Jesus Christ] from death and set him on a throne in deep heaven, in charge of running the universe, (HA! What?!?!? In charge!?!?!? Of the universe!??! ) everything from galaxies governments.....(hmmmm....), no name and no power exempt from his rule. (whatever you're thinking.....YEP!....THAT too......) And not just for the time being, (here on charge of what concerns US!!!!!!!) but forever.... He is in charge of it all, has the final word on everything. At the center of all this, Christ rules the church. The church, you see, is not peripheral to the world; the world is peripheral to the church. The church is Christ's body, in which he speaks and acts, by which he fills everything with his presence.

WOW!!!!!!! This is where it all unfolds....God's spectacular plan for all mankind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The final word.
At resurrection. When Jesus was placed at the right hand of the Father. Given authority over it all. NO POWER exempt from his rule. If that authority has been given to US.....What does that means for us!?!?!?

A lot of people are stumbling around blindly on this earth.....Not REALIZING what has happened here!
Don't look down....CHIN up!!!! Look to the glory and lifter of your head. (Psalms 3:3...."you O Lord are the ONE who holds my head HIGH!)) We've got no reason to look down!
He's given that POWER TO YOU!....the CHURCH!

So when we pray...we can pray in light of WHO HE IS and all He has accomplished!............okay....who IS He exactly then?!?!? There is NO one like Our God!!! He's Creator and sustainer of the earth. Savior of the World. Father to the Fatherless. Hope to the Hopeless. Peace to the restless. Our provider. King of Kings. Lord of Lords. Lord of Heaven. Lord of Earth. Our Healer. Our Friend. The One who defends OUR CAUSE. The Beginning and The End. OUR sustainer. Our Righteousness.

Pray in light of who He is and light of what He's doing IN THE Jesus' name.

It can change the way we look at this world and the circumstances surrounding us!!!! We've got no reason to look down. Look UP! What does Satan have now!??! NOTHING...except for what we give him....That surely should change the way you look at life!!!!!!!!
It's time to start livin' and lovin' life! Abundantly. The way God intended.
Be confident. Be bold. We know the Truth. We've been given God's final word on things!!!!! No arguing!!!! No second guessing!!!! No talking back!!!! The final word!!
Open it up and see for yourself!!! It was all done.....FOR THE CHURCH. And YOU, my friend....ARE THE CHURCH!!!!!!!!!!!


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