Everyone has a Story

Everyone has a story. 
Even Ronald. 
Every week I find him there. 
In the same spot. 
He's not holding a cardboard sign asking for money. 
He's just there. 
He's frail.
His clothes are torn and filthy.

Most don't even notice he's there.  A steady stream of busy, distracted people pass him by.  Some walk past, avoiding eye contact.  I see his sad eyes wondering how in such a privileged country so many end up discarded, feeling useless and without purpose.  I approached him with a smile, made eye contact, and introduced myself. He had a toothless grin and a weak handshake.  He asked me if he could have money for a cheeseburger. I said I'd do better than that. I asked him what his favorite meal was and brought it back to the spot I found him.  And there I heard his story............

What a beautiful man with an incredible story.  He was so grateful.  For both the food and for a listening ear.  

I'd have missed it....the opportunity to know Ronald and to have the privilege of speaking into his life.  An opportunity to influence his life even if in some small way.  To put a mark on the pages of his story and perhaps even change it. 

I cannot tell you how many times I have aimlessly........mindlessly............purposelessly wandered through a crowd of people.....be it at the grocery store...or wherever I am........oblivious to the people around me.   Lost in my own little world of thoughts.....I don't even hear the noises around me. 

.............................................and I missed it.

The opportunity to be the hands and feet and voice of God.   Those opportunities are there at every turn.  Because at every turn?  Is a face......and behind their eyes is a searching.  Begging for answers......a cry for *HOPE*.......desperate for SOMEthing that will point them to a GREATER purpose.  People with REAL hurts.  REAL questions.  People aching to know that there is more to life than what they are experiencing.   More to what surrounds them.  Wanting to know that they're not alone.

We complain about PEOPLE.
We pick on PEOPLE.
Treat them as inconvenient and in the way.
We pick them apart with judgement and criticism till there's nothing left.
..........we become casual, apathetic, indifferent and prejudice.........presuming we know their story...............and we've missed it.

The opportunity to share the extravagant love of God which is full of mercy, forgiveness, understanding and grace.  To bless another human being....who is not unlike myself at all.  In need of a Savior.  In need of answers.
In need of Hope. 

There are so many needing to KNOW and EXPERIENCE that God is something REAL.....something TANGIBLE
.........that's He's not beyond their reach. 
A God who knows them.  A God who sees them.  A God who would meet them............................just...where....they....are.
Just.....as....they.....are.   And speak a message that brings with it the POWER to change their world.

Everyone has a story.  We have opportunities every day to write on the pages of someone's story....and perhaps even influence a heart and CHANGE a life for eternity.  

“Preach the Gospel at all times;

 and when necessary use words.”

-St Francis of Assisi


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