Your Mission Field

What's YOUR mission field?
We tend the think that the most influential people are the ones standing at the pulpit, working in the media, performing as musicians, or missionaries who travel to exotic and never before reached places in the most remote parts of the earth. *YOUR* area of influence is right inside your four walls. Your area of influence GROWS as your step outside your DOOR. Your area of influence permeates the environment as you take advantage of the Divine opportunities throughout your day to be salt and LIGHT, love and peace, HOPE and JOY to those whom God has given you TODAY. You ARE on the mission field. Your CHILDREN are your mission field. Your HUSBAND is your mission field. Your WIFE is your mission field. You are GIFTED and CALLED to do the things YOU do that only YOU can do the way that YOU do them!!! reach the people in YOUR corner of the world.
Go into *ALL* the world and preach the gospel.

Go into your SCHOOLS, your place of BUSINESS, your grocery see it? Your mission field. :) You don't have to be holding a Bible and standing in the hallway like John the Baptist shouting, "PREEEEEEEEEEEEEEPARE YEEEEEEEEEEE THE WAAAAAAAAAAY OF THE LAWD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Just be YOU:) Just be LOVE. Just be KINDNESS. And allow the Kindness of the Savior to show the world there's something MORE to this the place where YOU live!


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