You Desire TRUTH in the Inward PARTS

 Behold, You desire truth in the inner being; make me therefore to know wisdom in my inmost heart. Psalm 51:6

TRUTH ---- in those places we tend to hide. 
TRUTH heals things.  Those deep deep places.

But too often.....
We bury our pain.
We cover it up.
We hide our sin.  Our flaws and imperfection.  Our insecurities. 
We think we are protecting what's left.
Afraid of MORE hurt.  Afraid of the consequences of confronting those things in us.  We've gotten used to it.  Pushing it away and closing the door. 
Or we defend those things.
Find excuses for them. 

Jesus confronted the man by the pool of Bethesda. 
He asked the man who had been lying there for so long, "Do you WANT to be well?"
It seems a foolish question for someone whose life is spent in isolation and pain.
To the onlooker the obvious answer is, "YES!"
Even to the man.....he wouldn't hesitate to respond.  Of COURSE I want to be well.

....."Are you willing to do what it takes to be well?"

This is where most of us back out.
It requires too much of us.
Sometimes it requires MORE pain. 

Every single one of my children fight the process when they've gotten a splinter.
They are well aware of how much it hurt when they got it, how much it hurts NOW and they are afraid of how much more pain they will experience to get it out.  So they don't want to take the necessary steps to healing....they just want to nurse it, cover it up and pretend it's not there.

I've done it.
And chances have you.

Eventually we are so focused on tolerating the pain, the sin, the insecurities, the imperfections, the flaws and the disappointments that we become MORE familiar with those things and forget what HEALING feels like. 
PAIN is a prison.
But rather than pursue wholeness we TOLERATE this place we are in. 

We endure and limp through life never experiencing what it really feels like to LIVE THAT ABUNDANT life Jesus suffered to PROVIDE.  

PAIN -not TRUTH- becomes the lens with which we view all of life.  Overtime it infects every other aspect of our lives.

Our relationships.
How we view life.
How we see God. (or how we DON'T) 

TRUTH in those deepest places.  TRUTH in the inward parts.....
that is the only way to HEALING. TOTAL healing.  Not just in part but EXPOSING all of those things we've left dormant for so long and confronting them with the Word of GOD.

Do you WANT to be well?
Will you do whatever it takes to be well?
It's time to stop nursing those things and take the steps you need to be whole again.  


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