I Throw My Life Upon All that You Are!

Those are part of the lyrics to "Where the Love Lasts Forever" by Hillsong. This phrase captures my attention every time I hear the song.

"I throw my life".........those words paint a bigger picture to me and speak louder than just saying "I surrender all".
I THROW my life....with ENTHUSIASM and complete uninhibited trust....with expectancy...with abandonment!
I throw my life.....in its ENTIRETY------all of the triumphs, and victories as well as the failures and trials, battles, confusion and pain....all of my dreams....all of my desires....all of my hopes...every last of my tears...all of my laughter....my family, my kids, my home, my job, my gifts, what drives me, what motivates me, my relationships.....all of ME and every last thing that concerns me.

......upon all that YOU are. You are sovereign, You are forgiving, You CARE! About it ALL! (yes.....even "that" too---whatever it is you just questioned Him about.) You God.....YOU are LOVE! You are generous. You are compassionate and slow to anger. You are long suffering. You are PEACE. You are comforter. You are Healer. You are Friend. You GET me. You UNDERSTAND me. You see us ONLY through your relentless Love and touch every moment of our existence WITH that Love. You are Holy. You are STRONGER. You are merciful. Your ways and Your thoughts are higher than ours. You are TRUTH. You are consistent and constant. You are secure. You SEE me. You are always there. You will never forsake us. You will never let go of us. You rejoice with us in our JOYS and mourn with us through our griefs. You SEE-TO-IT.....that we have all that we could possibly need. You surpass everything we could possibly imagine You are! You are MORE than enough. You are PERFECT. You are gentle. You are FOR us. Your attention is fixed intently on US. Your purposes are towards us. What concerns us is at the center of your heart.

Whatever it is you can think of that He could possibly be for YOU?......He is.

Complete surrender...willingly abandoning all of me. Laying aside all preconceived ideas. Letting go of all fears and insecurities. Everything that concerns me...everything I AM....everything I am to BE.....every moment of my existence....giving it ALL to Him...to do with what HE wants. I throw my life upon all that YOU ARE.
ALL that He is. He just IS. He is enough. For all of it.


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