When Hope Runs Out

Why is it so easy for us to believe that God can do the impossible but when the unexpected happens suddenly we are paralyzed with doubt and fear?
.....If we can trust God for salvation.....which was his greatest miracle....the redemption of ALL MANKIND.......then why can we not trust Him for the lesser things?
Suddenly what we know about God is no longer enough for us. The situation is too great a matter and GOD is no longer enough.

The man came to Jesus because his little girl was sick. "If only Jesus could come.....all will be well". But just like so many of us his hope was hijacked on the way to his miracle. They said she was dead. Now suddenly Jesus wasn't enough to meet this man's need.  
Hope reached a dead end for this man. 
He believed Jesus could meet His need.....except....this one. 

It was TOO late for the man.  Too late for Jesus.

 Jesus proved him wrong of course and the little girl was brought back to life. 

....................... I am suddenly reminded of a powerful TRUTH. 
The Truth that trumps *ALL* that *IS*. 
HOPE doesn't run out. The one who can create the universe with a word....the One who can command the storms, the One who can bring to life what was once dead....still concerns himself with your most hopeless situation and surprises you with this Truth....NOTHING is impossible. HE'S GOD!!!!!!! It's easy to believe for lesser things.....but here's the thing.....His hope reaches the darkest of places. 

...................It's never too late. 

Even when the tides turn against you in the middle of believing....

Help is on the way. And miracles have a way of riding in to save the day.....if only you can believe.


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