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Surrender the LAST stronghold. It's YOUR move.
given Him everything else except that ONE thing. Until you let it go
you will never discover the freedom that comes from surrender. He wants
empty hands and a surrendered heart. Whatever it is that you're holding
on to.....let it go and live free.
We ask God to destroy strongholds and
set us free when we are the ones left holding the flag.
It's YOUR move.
Until we
surrender that last stronghold we will never be truly free. Only you
know what that is. It's a question of Lordship. Either He's Lord of all
of it or not Lord over any of it. Abraham was asked to pack it up and
leave it all and he didn't hesitate. He knew God. He trusted Him. But
what about Isaac? Could He trust Him even in this? How many of us would
at the last minute snatch him up off the table and change our minds. And
how many of us miss out on that greater thing God has for us when we
refuse to surrender whatever it is that He's asking of us. Maybe its a
dream or desire. Maybe its sin or unforgiveness. Whatever it is... you
will never find the freedom you are looking for until you are willing to
let go. Let HIM be Lord over that too. You can trust Him. He will
exchange your surrendered heart for something far greater than what it
is you've not been able to let go of......and with it peace and freedom
that only comes from surrender.