An ABUNDANT life is found in a life {GIVEN AWAY}

Jesus promised ABUNDANT life but so often at the end of day after chasing everything we THOUGHT would make us happy, buried underneath a pile of activities, appointments and commitments instead of ABUNDANT life we feel every last bit of life sucked OUT of our weary souls.  We find ourselves even MORE discontent, dissatisfied, restless and exhausted than before. 

Jesus said in John 10:10 I have come that you might have LIFE and more ABUNDANTLY.
but have we ever stopped to ask what He meant by ABUNDANT life?  How did Jesus define life?
We pursue our own ideas of what it means to LIVE abundantly. 
We chase after happiness, wealth, fame .... WHATEVER it takes to satisfy the need in our lives and fill every corner of every day with a to-do list that we can never complete.

So if we're promised ABUNDANT life ---- what have we missed?
If we want to know what abundant life looks like we only need to look at the One who PROMISED it and how HE did life.
1.) He lived His life in service to EVERYONE but Himself. 
Jesus' found GREATNESS through SERVANTHOOD. He gave up His throne and found His GREATEST significance lay in His sacrifice. His humility. Through NO pride. No ceremony. NO accolades. He humbled Himself to the point of death.
We die to our flesh every day. No. Not in a "I-feel-a-little-piece-of-me-
dies-every-day-these-kids-are-so-draining" kind of death. Being a parent is a JOY. An honor. A privilege. We lay down our own desires. Our dreams. Our passions. Our needs......for the sake of something GREATER. The little one(s) God has given us. To raise them as young men and women who FEAR God and love and serve man. To do that....we DO have to give our LIVES...our entire BEINGS to it. Not as a martyr.
Taking the attitude of up our RIGHTS and ENTITLEMENTS. Instead of a nuisance, a thorn in our flesh, a JOB, (which robs them of their own SIGNIFICANCE as human beings!)
our children become WELCOMED members of our family in all of their IMPERFECTIONS and NOISE and MESS just as God Himself welcomed YOU....with all of YOUR imperfections and mess. They will find home as their safe haven. A place of GRACE and PURPOSE and SIGNIFICANCE.
2.) He promised His yoke would be EASY.
If you're feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders then you are carrying burdens you weren't meant to bear.  That might require only tending to the more needful things for a while.  r getting rid of those things that you have no business hanging on to.
Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.  Matthew 11:28-30
What do you crave and pursue?
The more we have of something....the more we need it. It's our nature. The more we accumulate.....the greater VALUE we place on what we have. "The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being." Matthew 6:21
If that is Truth....then if we are craving the presence of God and seeking first His Kingdom and longing for His gifts to be manifested in us; desperate for His fellowship and friendship; hungry for the beauty of holiness.......
Then we will find our hearts continually satisfied. Our longings fulfilled. We will find ourselves in the center of His perfect will....and that my friend is the safest place to be. Anything we pursue and chase after that is NOT eternal wastes away and crumbles with all our well intentioned efforts and energies. We will have spent ourselves on something that was never meant to fulfill or last. On things that will never satisfy. It's an empty and meaningless pursuit unless we are chasing after HIM and His will for our life. Building in this life what's eternal and will last.....that's a worthwhile pursuit.
Seek *FIRST* His Kingdom and RIGHTEOUSNESS .... Matthew 5:6 SATISFIED and FULFILLED are those who CRAVE, CHASE AFTER and PURSUE righteousness for they shall be completely satisfied!

To live an abundant life look to the One who GAVE His life away. If we're living for ourselves it won't be long before we're running on empty and have NOTHING to show for it.


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