For His Name's Sake

A couple of years before my husband passed away we were believing for things.  BIG things.  Impossible things.  
One morning, in my prayer time, while I was doing mama things, I struggled in my believing. 
"God I know you are a God who answers prayers....but WILL you do this.....for ME?"

I heard Him clearly speak to my spirit, "I WILL get the glory, FOR. MY. NAME'S SAKE."
I didn't understand.
"What does that mean?  For your name's sake?"  

He spoke again.
"Those who put their trust in me will not be ashamed."
I knew that He was fueling me with HOPE.  Increasing my faith.  Infusing me with believing that WHATEVER circumstances we may face------GOD *WILL*  (hear me friends) GOD WILL GET THE GLORY.  

Maybe He was preparing me in that moment for even greater believing.  Preparing me for the deepest grief I would ever face.  Preparing me for the hardest things I would ever have to endure.  Maybe He was setting my feet in concrete with confidence in His sovereignty.  All I know is....those words never left me.


How can tragedy be for His name's sake?
How can this possibly be GOOD?

Here is what we miss in the struggle. 
He is the Alpha.  The beginning.  The Omega.  The ending.  

.....and every moment in between. 

Grace permeates every moment of our existences.  In the darkness.  In the celebration.  In the grief.  In the laughter.  In our tears and in our dancing.....there is GRACE.  

If we choose to see it.
If we choose acknowledge it.

There are miracles to be experienced even in this place. 
In our deepest sadness....His face is most clearly seen.  His Truth becomes our anchor when the waves are violent and too big for us.  

Just like Peter....if we could just fix our gaze on HIM.  If we could just SEE Him.  Through this moment here.
To look beyond our questions.  Our doubts.  Our fears......and TRUST.

That is what it comes down to.
Trust that He is GOD.....and He will, in spite of our own gut-wrenching impossible things.....FOR HIS NAME'S SAKE.  

He honors our faith.
For His name's sake.
ANYONE who calls on the name of the Lord.....HE WILL DELIVER THEM.

John Piper said this:
“The foundation of God’s love for us is his commitment to his own glory.”

His reputation is involved. 
He *IS* Goodness.

He *IS* mercy.
He *IS* life. 
and He *WILL* bring beauty from brokenness and HOPE in the most hopeless situation.

You can believe that HE WILL take what's meant for your destruction and turn it around bring something GOOD from it. 

You WILL experience hard times.  There will be grief that we have to face. 
BUT HE IS GOOD...and He staked His own life on your salvation.....He will not forsake you.  He will NEVER abandon you to hopelessness. 

There are questions I will NEVER have the answers to.
But this I do know.  My life is a testimony to this......He made a covenant with me that He fully intends to keep.
And that is to bring glory to Himself THROUGH my situations - no matter what we face. 

Whatever you are experiencing today....lean in closer to can Trust may not understand right now and that's ok.  You can TRUST that he is committed to you and that for the sake of His own reputation....He will be glorified even in THIS.  


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